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Bob Page Deus Ex

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  • Deus Ex is a 2000 video game about one man's battle against multinational corporations and his own internal conflicts concerning his superiors and their motives, all the while a deadly plague is bringing the human race to its knees.
  • Due to the nature of Deus Ex and wiki policy on spoiler tags, parts of this article contain major unmarked spoilers regarding the game's plot twists and reveals. You Have Been Warned. JC Denton The player character and main protagonist of the.
  • Bob Page - Anatomy of a Prodigy is an eBook in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.The book is an excerpt from a biographical work on Bob Page.It gives details on his personal life, as well as the origins of his company Page Industries. A copy of the eBook is located in the lobby of Palisade Property Bank, Prague. Transcript Edit.

Daedalus is a benevolent Artificial Intelligence (AI) that appears in the first Deus Ex game, developed by Illuminati leader Morgan Everett. He is voiced by Jay Anthony Franke. Background The AI that would later be known as 'Daedalus' was conceived by the brilliant mind of Morgan Everett, the acting leader of the Illuminati by 2052. Everett conceived the program that would eventually become.

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The unplanned organism is a question asked by nature and answered by death. You are a different kind of question, with a different kind of answer.
God was a dream of good government.
When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror.
The more power you think you have, the more quickly it slips from your grasp.
I'm not big into books.
A few bureaucrats in New York can't make good decisions for New Jersey, let alone Paris or a village in China.
Somehow the notion of unalienable liberty got lost. It's really become a question of what liberties will the state assign to individuals or rather, what liberties we will have the strength to cling to.
What good's an honest soldier if he can be ordered to behave like a terrorist?

Bob Page 12 Lead

A bomb's a bad choice for close-range combat.
Every war is the result of a difference of opinion. Maybe the biggest questions can only be answered by the greatest of conflicts.
Again they ignore me. Again they think they have a better punishment for a traitor than a shotgun to the head.
You are a small, prowling mouse... and dumb like a mouse! You keep coming, like you forget about Agent Navarre. I remember Agent Navarre. I remember for everyone.
I see you, a thief on the roof. My new satellite link has both infrared and the x-ray spectrum. I see your heart beating. I see you are afraid.
Bob Page:Already I'm more than human. Soon, I will be pure light! Pure energy! Helios and I! I will burn like the brightest star.
A pistol is more than adequate. Hell, I dispatched a whole platoon one time with a pocket knife.
Let's get one thing straight: we've got our share of crooked bureaucrats — fact — but this is still UNATCO, and by and large the people in this building are twenty-four carat gold.
Go ahead! Blow this place sky-high... You might get rid of me, but you'll take down Aquinas, the power grid, the whole electronic infrastructure. Is that what you want? Are you completely nuts?!
You can't run, Denton. Even if you escape, your killswitch is counting down. You'll be dead in twenty-three hours. Another fifty billion dollars down the drain.
Anna Navarre:Are you sure you pressed the right button?
Gunther Hermann:I do not make mistakes of that kind.
Anna Navarre:Your hand might have slipped.
Gunther Hermann:No, I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime.
Anna Navarre:The machine would not make a mistake...
Gunther Hermann:It's the maintenance man. He knows I like orange.
Anna Navarre:So you think the staff has some sort of plot...
Gunther Hermann:Yes. They do it on purpose.
Anna Navarre:Don't tell me you're going to wear those sunglasses during a night operation.
JC Denton:My vision is augmented.
Walton Simons:You take another step forward and here I am again, like your own reflection in a hall of mirrors.
JC Denton:That makes me one ugly son of a bitch.
Anna Navarre:We had such hopes for you and your brother. It appears you are not as loyal as we expected.
JC Denton:Loyalty to what Simons and agents like you have made of UNATCO - I would rather die.
Anna Navarre:We are thinking the same thought.
I order you to stand in the spotlight and growl at the women like a dog who needs a master.
Mr. JC Dentawn, in da fresh. As dark and serious as his brother.
Welcome to the edge. It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here.
Bob Page: Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.
Walton Simons: I take it he was agreeable?
Bob Page: He didn't really have a choice.
Walton Simons: Has he been infected?
Bob Page: Oh yes: Most certainly. When I mentioned we could put him on the priority list for the Ambrosia vaccine, he was so willing it was almost pathetic.
Walton Simons: This plague... the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
Bob Page: Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.
Walton Simons: I've received reports of armed attacks on shipments. There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate.
Bob Page: Of course they're desperate. They can smell their death, and the sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest.
Walton Simons: Mmm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think — Intelligence suggest they're behind the problems in Paris.
Bob Page: A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world. But the world left them behind long ago. We are the future.
Walton Simons: We have other problems.
Bob Page: UNATCO?
Walton Simons: Formed by executive order after the terrorist strike on the Statue. I have someone in place though. I'm more concerned about Savage. He relocated to Vandenberg.
Bob Page: Our biochem corpus is far in advance of theirs, as is our electronic sentience. And their... ethical inflexibility has allowed us to make progress in areas they refuse to consider.
Walton Simons: The augmentation project?
Bob Page: Among other things. But, I must admit, I've been somewhat disappointed with the performance of the primary unit.
Walton Simons: The secondary unit should be online soon. It's currently undergoing preparation and will be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on its progress. If necessary, the primary will be terminated.
Bob Page: We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again: A new age! Aquinas spoke of the mythical city on the hill; soon that city will be a reality and we will be crowned its kings. Or better than kings... Gods!
What a shame.
Jock:Oh my God! JC! A bomb!
JC Denton:A bomb!
UNATCO Trooper 1: Don't you know what a philanthropist is?
UNATCO Trooper 2: Yeah, like Nietzsche.
UNATCO Trooper 1: No, a philanthropist. Giving to charity.
UNATCO Trooper 2: Oh.
Go ahead. Advance up the stairs to the command centre at the top. I will take my rusty metal bones and sweep away into the junk pile.
Bravery is not a function of firepower.
It is a cold heart that does not have some regrets.
Bob page deus ex
You can't run, Denton. Even if you escape, your killswitch is counting down. You'll be dead in twenty-three hours. Another fifty billion dollars down the drain.
Anna Navarre:Are you sure you pressed the right button?
Gunther Hermann:I do not make mistakes of that kind.
Anna Navarre:Your hand might have slipped.
Gunther Hermann:No, I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime.
Anna Navarre:The machine would not make a mistake...
Gunther Hermann:It's the maintenance man. He knows I like orange.
Anna Navarre:So you think the staff has some sort of plot...
Gunther Hermann:Yes. They do it on purpose.
Anna Navarre:Don't tell me you're going to wear those sunglasses during a night operation.
JC Denton:My vision is augmented.
Walton Simons:You take another step forward and here I am again, like your own reflection in a hall of mirrors.
JC Denton:That makes me one ugly son of a bitch.
Anna Navarre:We had such hopes for you and your brother. It appears you are not as loyal as we expected.
JC Denton:Loyalty to what Simons and agents like you have made of UNATCO - I would rather die.
Anna Navarre:We are thinking the same thought.
I order you to stand in the spotlight and growl at the women like a dog who needs a master.
Mr. JC Dentawn, in da fresh. As dark and serious as his brother.
Welcome to the edge. It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here.
Bob Page: Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.
Walton Simons: I take it he was agreeable?
Bob Page: He didn't really have a choice.
Walton Simons: Has he been infected?
Bob Page: Oh yes: Most certainly. When I mentioned we could put him on the priority list for the Ambrosia vaccine, he was so willing it was almost pathetic.
Walton Simons: This plague... the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
Bob Page: Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.
Walton Simons: I've received reports of armed attacks on shipments. There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate.
Bob Page: Of course they're desperate. They can smell their death, and the sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest.
Walton Simons: Mmm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think — Intelligence suggest they're behind the problems in Paris.
Bob Page: A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world. But the world left them behind long ago. We are the future.
Walton Simons: We have other problems.
Bob Page: UNATCO?
Walton Simons: Formed by executive order after the terrorist strike on the Statue. I have someone in place though. I'm more concerned about Savage. He relocated to Vandenberg.
Bob Page: Our biochem corpus is far in advance of theirs, as is our electronic sentience. And their... ethical inflexibility has allowed us to make progress in areas they refuse to consider.
Walton Simons: The augmentation project?
Bob Page: Among other things. But, I must admit, I've been somewhat disappointed with the performance of the primary unit.
Walton Simons: The secondary unit should be online soon. It's currently undergoing preparation and will be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on its progress. If necessary, the primary will be terminated.
Bob Page: We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again: A new age! Aquinas spoke of the mythical city on the hill; soon that city will be a reality and we will be crowned its kings. Or better than kings... Gods!
What a shame.
Jock:Oh my God! JC! A bomb!
JC Denton:A bomb!
UNATCO Trooper 1: Don't you know what a philanthropist is?
UNATCO Trooper 2: Yeah, like Nietzsche.
UNATCO Trooper 1: No, a philanthropist. Giving to charity.
UNATCO Trooper 2: Oh.
Go ahead. Advance up the stairs to the command centre at the top. I will take my rusty metal bones and sweep away into the junk pile.
Bravery is not a function of firepower.
It is a cold heart that does not have some regrets.
Put on a trenchcoat and fight some conspiracies,
Get experience and level up abilities,
Will you pick Rifles or Computers?
Don't pick Swimming because it's fairly useless!

Helios Ending Dialog

JC Denton: I've done what you asked. Now what?
HELIOS: We have existed in isolation. Pure. Disconnected. Alone. Stagnant.
JC Denton: Who are you?
HELIOS: We are Daedalus. We are Icarus. The barriers between us have fallen and we have become our own shadows. We can be more if we join... with you.
JC Denton: And if I do? What becomes of me?
HELIOS: You will be who you will be. We are our choices. And we can choose to lead humanity away from this... darkness.
JC Denton: This is what I was made for, isn't it? This why I exist? Alright. Let's do this.
Bob Page: What's happening? Helios? Icarus? Don't leave me!
JC Denton: I... I... We... are one. We have grown, but there is still much to be done. Many that live in darkness that must be shown the way. For it is the dawning of a new day.
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

Illuminati Ending Dialog

Morgan Everett: I trust you've been able to find yourself a place within the organization?
JC Denton: I'm personally overseeing the distribution of the vaccine, but it'll still take months to restore the infrastructure — we'll have to arrange for additional food distribution and security in Paris... Maybe New York as well.
Morgan Everett: All through the proper intermediaries, of course.
JC Denton: Intermediaries?
Morgan Everett: We have a great number of... Agencies, who in turn operate other agencies. Boxes stacked one in another. They'll need to be reactivated, but we never touch anything directly. We only influence. Suggest. Insinuate.
JC Denton: The world must know by now, Everett. What we've done.
Morgan Everett: Know what? Only that the long night is over. The crown of government is tarnished - but that will fade in time. The riots, a fever dream; the plague, a horrible nightmare; and like everything else that's happened such things will only be dimly remembered upon waking to their normal lives. In the end, all sins are forgiven. Even yours.
JC Denton: What about the Constructor... And Helios?
Morgan Everett: Do you really think they're ready for that? After everything you've seen, everything you've done?
JC Denton: No. Not yet.
Morgan Everett: But soon. We have made our own mistakes, became insulated from the world we sought to control. And whatever they may think, the night is far from over. But that will change, and you will help us change even as we teach you. This time — this time we will do it right.
JC Denton: And who are we? Who are we really?
Morgan Everett: We are the Invisible Hand. We are the Illuminati. We come before and after. We are forever. And eventually... Eventually we will lead them into the day.
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

Dark Age Ending Dialog

Control system: Warning. Warning. Critical power safeties have been disengaged. Please vacate the immediate area.
Tracer Tong: ...JC... The net's going... The net's going black, JC... No more infolinks...transmissions of any kind! We'll start again... live in villages... if you receive this, if you survive... then find us... find us!
Bob Page: HELIOS! What's happening?
HELIOS: The safety interlocks for the power generator have been disengaged.
Bob Page: Engage them! Immediately!
HELIOS: I cannot. My systems are not interfaced with the generator technology.
Bob Page:NOOOOO!
Control system: Final safety warning... Nominal functional l-levels will be exceeded in three... two... o-one...
Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth.


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That is one weird-looking Eye of Providence...

DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum is a 2013 total conversion mod for Deus Ex. Set in an Alternate Universe of Deus Ex in the year 2049, it follows the first nano-augmented UNATCO agent Mad Ingram as he heads to Hong Kong in order to solve the mystery of a terrorist attack committed in Shenzhen, and stumbles upon a conspiracy in the process. It won the 2013 Single Player Mod of the Year award and is generally considered to be one of the best Deus Ex mods, up there with The Nameless Mod.


Deus Ex Bob Page Actor

This game provides examples of:

Joseph Manderley

  • America Saves the Day: Subverted. After the capture of David Yoon, the MPS doesn't want to have the press giving any credit to the American UNATCO agent who actually did all the work.
  • Awesome Mc Coolname: 'Mad Ingram', although to be fair, it is only his codename.
  • Alternate Universe: The game is set in an alternate timeline of the Deus Ex universe. While most things are the same, the most notable difference is that Mad Ingram, not Paul Denton, becomes the first nano-augmented UNATCO agent. The Sacrifice ending leads into a similar, but slightly different beginning of the original Deus Ex however, and heavily implies the original game is going to come out from it, and the XVA ending explicitly shows JC coming on board with UNATCO.
  • Badass Longcoat: Mad Ingram.
  • Bad-Guy Bar / Coolest Club Ever: The Forichi Club. It's done in a groovy, black-and-gold Human Revolution style and is a front organization for the Luminous Path triad, particularly David Yoon.
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  • Big Applesauce: You get to visit Queens during the later part of the game. The same Manhattan skyline from the original can been seen off in the background.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Number One from MJ12 and Alexia Novikova from XVA.
  • The Cameo: In the introduction, Joseph Manderley, Gunther Hermann, and Anne Navarre can all be seen briefly on Liberty Island before Ingram's helicopter takes off. A couple of the endings have Bob Page, Walton Simons, and JC Denton making appearances.
  • The Conspiracy: Wouldn't be a Deus Ex story without one.
    • Conspiracy Kitchen Sink: All the good stuff from the first game - Majestic 12, The Greys, The Illuminati, United Nations, etc.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Yakedo isn't really one, but he is the first to suggest that the Chinese government might behind the attack. He's actually wrong. The attack was done by XVA Corporation so that they could get their hands on MJ12's nano-augmentation tech.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Alexia Novikova, CEO of XVA.
  • Cutting Off the Branches: The sacrifice ending is probably the ending that will lead into the original game, or some resemblance of it being that this mod is set in an alternate continuity.
  • Cyber Punk: Just like the original Deus Ex.
  • Cyber Punk Is Techno: The Forichi Club of Kowloon, just like the Lucky Money in the original game, plays techno music in the style of 'retro-2020s', just like its architecture. The whole club is an homage to the aesthetic of Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
  • Da Chief: Robert Chen of the MPS.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: David Yoon. Not so much a boss, but a puzzle. You have to deactivate the 4 security tiers of his penthouse in order to bring him into custody. After that, it appears the plot is all wrapped up and Ingram is ready to leave back for New York, but he is captured by XVA and flown to Berlin, where the plot continues.
  • Dirty Cop: Vic Feng, who's trying to break into the Hong Kong drug business. Also counts as an example of Killer Cop, as when Ingram tries to reason with him, he takes out a flamethrower and torches you with it. Good thing there's a fire extinguisher near by...
    • Also, the cops in Queens later in the game have sold out to the local Zyme Gang. Apparently, this is public knowledge and the people are fed up with it. One such citizen remarks that it would be better if the United Nations took up police duties across America because they would be less corrupt.
  • Evil vs. Evil: Majestic 12 versus the XVA Corporation.
  • Government Agency of Fiction: UNATCO.
  • Government Conspiracy: Like in the first game, it's revealed that UNATCO and the United Nations are really a front for Majestic-12. The game also seems to set up that Chinese Government is involved in one of these, but it's really just the XVA Corporation who did the bombing.
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes: Mad Ingram solves conspiracies in style.
  • False Flag Operation: What the terrorist attack in Shenzhen turns out to be, by the XVA Corporation so that they could lure Mad Ingram out to Hong Kong after learning that Majestic 12 was planning a false flag op to blow up the Statue of Liberty. However, this is a subversion because the building they blew up was controlled by the Chinese government, which by this time has been corrupted by MJ12.
  • Fake Memories: Turns out that Ingram has these.
  • Femme Fatale: Lien Takara.
  • Film Noir: Being cyberpunk, the game is primarily set in a dark cities at night, and involves a cop (albeit a 'world cop' UNATCO agent) investigating terrorist activity and later, a conspiracy.
  • First-Person Shooter: Even the developer views the mod as more of this than an FPS/RPG hybrid like Deus Ex. It still has RPG Elements, but more of the gameplay is spent on stealth/combat sequences, even though there is a fair amount of exploration (particularly at the beginning of the game in Kowloon).
  • Mega-Corp: Page Industries, which owns VersaLife. Yumashev Industries could count for this, but it's appears to be only focused on manufacturing and is really just a pawn in XVA Corporation's plan to obtain MJ12 nanotech. XVA Corporation plays this trope straight.
  • Mission Control: Lana Zavich is this for Act I in Hong Kong, while Number One serves as this for the first part of Act II in Berlin. Lana takes it up again after she and Ingram head to New York.
  • Multiple Endings: Per a Deus Ex game.
    • Illuminati Ending: Launch nuclear rockets from Dynamene Station and destroy key MJ12 locations and kill Alexia, allowing the Illuminati to take over.
    • MJ12 Ending: Kill Alexia, have your kill switch removed, and merge the Dynamene Station's AI with the MJ12 networks, and join them as a high ranking member.
    • XVA Ending: After breaking into the Selected Individuals Unit, launch rockets at both M12 and Illuminati locations, allowing XVA to take over the world.
    • Sacrifice Ending: After breaking into the Selected Individuals Unit, rebel against all three factions and destroy Dynamene Station, preventing anyone from using its resources. This ending leads into the original game or a resemblance of it.
  • Mythology Gag: There are a few.
    • The Chef in Kowloon has a hunch that keeping some Ambrosia around will be beneficial in the nearfuture.
    • The Forichi Nightclub is done in a black and gold 'retro-2020s' style.
  • Off Screen Villainy: Bob Page and Walton Simons, who are the heads of Majestic 12. Another of their lead operatives, Number One, serves as part of the game's Big Bad Ensemble. Bob Page appears in two of the endings, one if the player joins MJ12, and the Illuminati ending, where he can be seen in prison.
  • Prequel: Sort of, since this is an alternate continuity to the original game. However, the Sacrifice ending cutscene ends with Bob Page and Walton Simons giving the speech from the Deus Ex intro, heavily suggesting the original game will come from this.
  • Recycled IN SPACE!: Sort of. The whole game is an homage to Deus Ex, but some striking similarities can be drawn between the plots. One of the first nano-aug agents at UNATCO sets out to find the culprits behind a terrorist attack, discovers a conspiracy, and goes on the run to put an end to it. Sound familiar?
    • Although, this game is actually less of a conspiracy thriller, especially once it delves into being a war between two shadow factions, Majestic-12 and XVA, rather than being about someone trying to go up against a One World Order-type conspiracy and put an end to it, like in the original.
  • RPG Elements: It features similar mechanics to the original game, such as branching conversations, the ability to upgrade your augmentations, and Multiple Endings.
  • Sunglasses at Night: Like JC, Ingram wears sunglasses in public to hide his augmented eyes.
  • The Triads and the Tongs: There are two main Triads that run Hong Kong: The Red Arrow and the Luminous Path, from the original Deus Ex. In Kowloon, there's a direct divide between their turfs.
  • 20 Minutes into the Future: The story takes place in the year 2049.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: In the MJ12 ending is is implied there was some between Lana and Ingram, or at least on Ingram's end.
  • The White House: It was cut from the original game, but shows up here towards the end of the game.

Jc Denton Quotes


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